Originally Posted by chihliouma
Do you have the 96DPI files ? I tried to use the 96DPI of other build but won't work.
I'm running rigth now a 21828 sys on an elfin, with this dpi:
SYSversion 1.2 by MrVanx - 2008
SYS Directory Found
5.2.21500 aku 5000 | Base_DPI_96
5.2.21500 aku 5000 | base_dpi_96_resh_240_resv_320
5.2.21500 aku 5000 | Bronze_DPI_96
5.2.21500 aku 5000 | Browsing_DPI_96
5.2.18125 aku 402 | Entertainment_DPI_96
5.2.21215 aku 5000 | Lockscreen_DPI_96
5.2.21500 aku 5000 | MediaOS_dpi_96_resh_240_resv_320
5.2.21500 aku 5000 | Office_DPI_96
5.2.21500 aku 5000 | Phone_DPI_96
5.2.21500 aku 5000 | Redist_DPI_96
5.2.21215 aku 5000 | Themes_DPI_96
And is working quite good