Originally Posted by littleevil
Having internet wireless issues downloading due to t- storm will download when weather isnt causing brown outs hehe... till then dont tell chaos im using demolitions rom hehe jk
Oh and an informational tip.... Picture Mail is a different form of mms alltel/verizon and some others = arcsoft. While sprint and some other carriers use picture mail. There are cabs for both adding and deleting picture mail and arcsoft. Personally if you have seen demolitions rom i believe he cooks all the default generics into his rom.
PS i have picture mail cab however i cant confirm it will work since i need arcsoft rather then picmail, but will upload if you need it.
Someone line her up in front of the firing squad! Rats, fresh outta guns guess I'll have to use a hammer!
Demolition is an excellent ROM, and is what got me started making them. Don't tell me either, but I still use it occasionally
Thanks for the clarification, go ahead and upload that cab when you get a chance, and if I could have someone that does use picture mail verify that it is working I will build it in.