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Old 07-26-2009, 08:59 PM
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Re: I need help with Neo TiTanium panels Plz!!

Originally Posted by Vudugan View Post
Just curious as to why I have to install their version of weather and contacts if they already came on Adryn's ROM?

Also can you link me to all your Neo Panels?
Well, you don't. If I would have paid attention to your listed ROM choice I would have changed my answer. That's what I get for being quick. Not sure the icons will fit correctly for the weather though as I have no idea which ones you have installed.

Well, most of what I have done is in my ROM threads. Either here or on Modaco. They can also be found in the link you were given above. If you go to those threads and (for Modaco) click on the paperclip next to the thread title it will bring up a list of attached files. Mine all say Neo in them somewhere. For here you can tap on the word files to the right of the thread title and it will do the same thing. A lot of the MS panels are included in the main Neo theme cab.

Like I said I really need to spend some time and make a thread for this.
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Last edited by blazingwolf; 07-26-2009 at 09:08 PM.
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