Originally Posted by xpressyourcell
Why yes, I did. I flashed the Tachi version to a different phone and it does not have the SIP pop up problem when TF3D2 starts. I would really like to know the SPECIFIC MANUAL FIX, rather than "just fix it with Diamond Tweak". Your help is a appreciated.
But the "SIP popup problem" is not a "problem". It's been around ever since xboxmod ported the rhodium manila to VGA. The rhodium manila REQUIRES the SIP to be open before launch. Therefore, he designed a loader that opens the SIP briefly, launches manila and closes the SIP. The newer version of the rhodium manila was released later, AFTER the tachi dialer got released. That manila doesn't require the SIP to be open, therefore you don't see it, but it DOES require the Tachi dialer to make calls.
Soooooooooooooooo, in my RD and Titanium versions I use the older manila witih the SIP popup. In my Standard release that has the Tachi dialer, you will see the newer Manila that doesn't popup the keyboard.
In closing, there's nothing you can do to fix it. If you "fix it" , manila will fail to launch

What you CAN do is load up something like "nullSIP" to emulate a SIP but wont display anything on the screen.. but it's not a very elegant solution...
So.. please... I'd like to stop hearing about the "SIP popup" bug. It's not a bug, even though it may look like one. It's a "feature", although an ugly one