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Old 07-26-2009, 03:20 PM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 --

Originally Posted by Kliptik View Post
are you on verizon? (sorry if youve said already) if so the only way i could get it to lock was with |||bored|||'s fix. link below:
Yep I am verizon user with XV6850.. This worked!!! I used PPST v2.0 linked in that thread, and I am now able to lock again. To test my theory, I flashed back to MR6 7-7-09, the one at the beginning of the month, and I did NOT have to use that tool, GPS simply worked. When I tried MR6 07-16-09 and 07-18-09, I *DO* have to use that GPS fix again.. so something changed.

Sorry Mike about my tone in my first email, it was sheer frustration speaking.. but would be nice to know if VZW users need this GPS fix in future releases or not. I would hate for others to get into the same situation I was in.. once you have GPS you tend to rely on it a lot.
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