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Old 07-26-2009, 02:15 PM
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Re: Gravitate to midNIGHT ROM 2.1 Singularity Edition/Kitchen: 99.99% PURE TITANIUM 2

Originally Posted by Scyberian View Post
First time Flasher with a Noob question. Where is the .nbh file for this ROM? I see your ROM (and others) use Adobe, but I can't read them to see if the .nbh file is in the ROM. Please help!
I aa confused as to what you are asking. If you downloaded the rom extract the files with winrar or winzip. Then run the custom_ruu exe and then follow the directions. Make sure your phone is unlocked prior to flashing. As far as adobe goes it has nothing to do with flashing.

Let me know if I can be of more help.
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