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Old 07-25-2009, 10:46 PM
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Re: ||JULY 17 Demolition 2.0 Titanium|| ||23007||

hey Bike and destroy... you know what would REALLY ROCK? if you used this version of HTC Album. it has the option to upload pictures to facebook built in, so say when Im on a trip i can take pics and then with two clicks have them posted to my Facebook account. I made a CAB of it, but it wont install on your ROM, Im guessing because there already is a version installed.

I mention this now, and am hoping that you consider it, but am kicking myself for not trying earlier as I leave for a trip with my kids to Texas on Monday. there will be LOTS of picture taking and the ability to upload everything this easily would ROCK.

This OEM was taken from Scott Crosler's SSK kitchen. Not sure where he got it, but would you PLEASE consider cooing it into your ROM? or maybe at least for little old me?

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