I was thinking, I've been using this little
vb script I wrote to recmod modules. So, far it seems to work really well. It sometimes randomly fails to recmod a module, but if you do it again, it works fine. (It's kinda crude, and has SOME error correction but I think 6 hours of work on a script is long enough
) So, I figure, why not share it?
How to use: Easiest thing to do is put a shortcut to it in your "Send To" folder. After that, all you need to do is highlight a group of modules (a.k.a. all the folders browsingie or adobeflash for example) and right click, send to, SuperRecMod.vbs (I couldn't think of anything better to call it, so if you don't like it, just rename
Feel free to change it if you want, it is what it is, but it makes converting those modules into files into a 20 second job