07-25-2009, 02:34 AM
EnergyROMs chef :)
Location: Las Vegas
Join Date: Jul 2007
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Re: |HERM|ROM|6.5|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Mercury' (21921) ** || Built July 22nd ||
Originally Posted by appzattak
I must say I have a very fast and completly stable ROM, there is nothing major wrong with this at all. I even installed a new Verizon Radio and my phone made it a complete night off the charger, never did that before. I do use PocketShied so maybe that helps some. I have to agree whoever said it earlier, if you are having an issue and you read thorugh posts and no one else is having the prob, it's most likly not ROM related, just flash back to stock, then flash nrg again and when that is done, wipe device...
Thanks again NRG
cmyxlgo, love and appreciate the work you do for this ROM. I have a request, and if you cannot it's cool, my motto is, you have not becasue you ask not. So I use PocketShield and when it locks you get a nice lil screensaver of sorts, I chose this one because it is somewhat close to the wallper on this ROM (see attached). Was wondering if you would be able to make one with your spin and wallpaper like is on the ROM. I have no idea what entails making skins for it. Like I said if no, it's cool.
I like that backround a lot.... more than I do mine actually. LOL However the picture size you posted makes it unusable... :/
Originally Posted by Terencec
Does anyone knows if there is an Eta on the business rom.
Well seeing how I'm the one developing it... how would anyone else know, but me ? LOL
Originally Posted by psyki
One other tidbit about battery performance, I read on an xperia forum that it helps "calibrate" the battery if you hard-reset or flash when the battery is critically low, as in 5% or under. Apparently winmo has a hard time keeping track of what absolute full or empty means after a bunch of hard-resets or flashes *ahem* rom junkies 
Good point
EnergyROM Chef
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