Originally Posted by SHAWNTCOOPER
Question Why Does Everybody Run Tf3d Flashed Mighty6 And Left Tf3d Off Just Ran Windows Default Speed Stability And Battery R Twice As Good Not Running Tf3d So Why Do U Run It Dont Grasp The Advantages Of Tf3d Any Input Trying To Decide If I Should Mod Win 6.5 Or Tf3d?
^^^ I am awestruck in the presence of your nine-in-one sentence.
The advantage is the appearance -- if you like the look of TF3D. It has some useful tabs, but nothing so unique it can't be replaced with something else. It works for me, and I don't have any significant battery issues. Would it be faster without it? Probably. Would it last longer without it? Maybe. Does it do what I want, when I want, the way I want? Oh yeah! If only the rest of life was like that...