Not true (The part about the responsiveness being due to the capacitative screen) I was the owner of a Palm M100, Palm 3c, and Palm Treo. (Girlfriend has Centro), and let me tell you, fast as lightening. Like the iPhone. This leads me to believe that HTC just uses crap touch panels. Seriously.
Originally Posted by jmorton10
Even if that was possible, it wouldn't be the same because half of what makes an iphone so responsive is the capacitive screen which WinMo phones do not support yet.
I have thre TP's & I love them, but I love my ipod touch just as much & if I could get an iphone to work on Verizon service I would buy one tomorrow.
I tether my touch daily to my TP with WMWifirouter as I MUCH prefer to use the ipod with its awesome screen & safari browser for everyday inet surfing (the ipod email client is 50 times better than WinMo also).