Originally Posted by PENOYER
Just curious to see if anyone had any problems with this rom. Just don't want to flash my phone and have a buggy rom...Thanks in advance.
Thanks Solarpolitiks for your hard work!
No problem

I will tell you off the bat that with the grey rom (This is really a problem buildOS does) the default theme upon your first startup will say it is the grey theme but really its the green one. To fix it just select another theme and apply it. Go back to the grey theme and apply it again. Problem fixed.
This doesn't happen with the blue rom because the blue Windows Default theme is already part of the rom. For the blue rom just apply the WindowsDefault theme and thats it.
Besides that the rom doesn't have bugs (according to the time I spent using it) but I can understand why you would want other peoples input on this.
If anybody has had any problems with the rom, feel free to say it here and I'll look into it.
Also, that was very nice of you Puff. Thanks