Originally Posted by NRGZ28
Hmmm pretty soon this ROM will be too bug free and I'll have nothing to do.... I think I'm gonan break a few things in the next release just to keep you guys busy with.... something! lol
Oh by the way... anybody using the RD version ? I got a cab to send you to fix the smearing of contacts when scrolling in it 
Originally Posted by rawdikrik
I will definitely take that. Im NOT a big fan of the Tachi Dialer.
Thats one of the very few bugs in the ROM.
Maybe we should start incorporating programs to include in the ROM? How bout that HTC wifi thing?
Or maybe making a light ROM for those of us that dont need all those programs?
Originally Posted by jb8lakeshow
How is the Tachi Dialer a bug of the ROM? Do you mean the application itself is buggy? Please stop spreading misinformation... AFAIK, nobody has gotten the Tachi Dianler to work bug free.
NRGz will never make a light ROM, it is take it or leave it w/ his ROMs.
Rawdikrik is not spreading any misinformation. You simply misunderstood what he is saying. Rawdikrik is saying that the scrolling issue in the RD version of the ROM is a bug.