Originally Posted by mustangt
Yeah, steps is showing his lack of intelligence again.
It seems alot of you on here like to show ur asses off when you know nothing. I asked a simple question and you all started talkin ur mess (WHICH I FIGURED OUT MYSELF WITHOUT THE HELP OF ANY OF YOU) Becuz if any of you were "intelligent" as it seems you are claiming, you would have known the answer to the question..Im nice till people start to show off...This will be the last time im responding to you any of u dumb asses within this thread....
None of you talkin shit know your ass from your face. With the proper parts I could build a ppc. I know how to develope software, build computers, I work for a large internet comany AND have a small business on the side which when sales start picking up will be ditching my current job to work for myself (1 month TOPS)....you bitches tried it and FAILED. I am more successul and intelligent then any of you currently are or ever will be PERIOD.