Originally Posted by jbearamus
i was digging through some of their financials (what i could get a hold of) and they seem ok and the sprint stores in my area have started hiring again...
and for your above comment about why bother with TP2? I'm not going to, if i can get it through insurance replacement then great but otherwise im waiting, especially if sprint is picking up the hero
Yes..and all the banks are stable too...There is no way Sprint is doing well after loosing many customers. Not saying they are dieing..just not what they used to be. They spent a lot of money on buying and maintaining Nextels old network(which they are going to give to Ericson to maintain)...Worst of all they haven't even made any use of Nextel to improve Sprint..I mean like they are competing with themselves and every phone for Nextel is as old as my grandma...
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