Currently some of you might know that sprint now offers direct connect through its own few models of phones which can also access the 3g network instead of using nextel and not getting 3g.
The problem is most of the phones which is 6 phones total that have this feature are all normal phones nothing too fancy like our touch pro.
I know many users would love to see a Smartphone on sprint CDMA network that supports Direct connect without using a Nextel phone.
I talked to a friend who works for sprint, and he told me that if they get enough request's for a smartphone that will be on the sprint CDMA network(not IDEN) and will also have direct connect.
Now wouldnt it be nice to have direct connect on your touch pro 2 along with 3g at the same time.
What you guys can do to help
My friend told me if i can get many people to keep sending emails to suggesting that users would like to have a smartphone with Direct connect on CDMA that they will consider it and possibly put in a work in progress for a new phone.
Please email suggesting this even if you do not use direct connect to help out, because it would really help us out with work related activities, and even quicker communication with friends and family.