Originally Posted by Technology1
I just tried stock ROM and two other ROM's.. I get the same results, now tell me the ROM that you know of where this does not happen... I want to test it too...{LOL} 
well, how would titanium be on stock? not trying to knock your rom, but ive never seen the curtain, and you knowive been using detatchwr for months now. if you want me to name one, merdins, mighty 5 and 6, juicy's, energy, every rom ive tried i got the task option in manilla. yours is the only one ive seen with a curtain. my girl is still on mighty 5, and i double checked hers, no curtain within the detatcher. its all good.
one question. i installed the live media on my girls phone.i made us buddies, and used the live chat. am i missing somethin, or can only one person stream video? i thought it would be like, i stream my picture, and she streams hers. no way to put it on speaker and both vie each other. that would be cool.