Originally Posted by S0N
There isn't any updated version higher then 1 something. I can't update to like 3 something. If so just let me know
Well, different devices will have different radio numbers. The 3.x series came from Mogul/Touch (Titan/Vogue)...I think...I know the Touch I bought my gf has a 3.2x radio version...some of which do and do not have GPS enabled.
There are a number of solid radios from the TP/Diamond series in the thread I posted you before that should get the job done for you. The newest one for Sprint works GREAT for me...but a lot of people have good luck with the Telus radio. Just try each one for a few days, monitoring battery life and signal strength and see which fits best for you.
PM me and we can chat over AIM if you need more help or have questions. And not to be that guy, but the thanks button is my friend