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Easy everyone....I know what you're thinking.............No COZ, it's for real man, no jive, no hype..! I just got off the phnoe with HTC USA, I talke to "Dakota", they got all the info already on the new StarShip ROM current version... Dakota was very nice on the phone, don't be surprise if you some of these features on the upcoming TP2 for the USA... GOD is great..!
No, Coz, it's for real man, no jive, no hype...! I just got off the phone with HTC USA with "Dakota", they got all the info already on they new "Starship Version ROM" current version ROM too, see you thought it would it would be MightMike, that goes to show you that their is a Mighty God in heaven who controls of the affairs of men, see how you guys did me and treated me... I'm crying man, I'm so excited the way "Dakota" of HTC USA talked to me, they are looking for stuff like this in a ROM... Don't surprise to see some of the stuff in my current ROM, Starship Version in the upcoming Sprint TP2 ROM for the USA.... I'm crying man, their is GOD in heaven....