are you using a rom w/ UC?? if you are, do a hard reset to get the icons where they will be on fresh boot. Then, give each one it's own provxml file. The xml file looks like this below and will move it from source to the specified location. The reason I say to give each link it's own xml file is so that if the link doesn't exist anymore (perhaps due to a rom or kitchen change) and the xml import fails, the rest of the icons will still be moved. If the location doesn't exist, it will be created. And if you really wanna get fancy, cab up the lnk's registry and modify the icons.
<characteristic type="FileOperation">
<characteristic type="%CE11%\Social\Facebook.lnk" translation="install">
<characteristic type="Move">
<parm name="Source" value="%CE11%\Facebook.lnk" translation="install" />
"Icon"="\\Storage Card\\Icons\\facebook.png"
"Icon"="\\Storage Card\\Icons\\Parlingo.png"
"Icon"="\\Storage Card\\Icons\\twitter.png"
It seems like a lot of work at first, but once it's done, you can flash and flash again w/o having to worry about u're icon location or icons. All you have to do is setup u're order on a hard reset. Then, you can end up w/ something like this...