Originally Posted by vin255764
Can you make a new xip_vogue_314_lzx.bin for LennySH kitchen,cause Im still noob to porting lol and I get this after using your 23009 xip and drellisdee's xip_vogue_314_lzx.bin
802d9000 - 802d9000 L00000000 Start: start of RAM
802d9000 - 802e0000 L00007000 NUL
802e0000 - 802e6000 L00006000 uninitialized data of region_1 nk.exe
802e6000 - 8036a000 L00084000 initialized data of region_2 nk.exe
8036a000 - 8036a000 L00000000 ------ start of RAM free space
8036a000 - 87900000 L07596000 NUL
87900000 - 87900000 L00000000 End: end of RAM
Or is there an easy way to edit my new_xip?
Nope if you change the device source one to be more compressed it will give you a not enough space error when porting. It needs to be done after porting to the new build but takes like 5 min or so with a little practice.
Edit. NVM vin use this as source it has same map as above but it portable. Its not swp patched so you can do that too if you wish.