Originally Posted by PhantomApolyon
It is Linux based; however I for one am HUGELY unimpressed by its current application on the Palm Pre and really could care less about a kernel running on the TP.
My repair center sees them in all the time because frankly they run like crap (I suspect this is partly the hardware and partly the software at fault). Upon general use, regardless of your background from what I can see it is NOT a user friendly OS by any stretch of the imagination. I have NEVER had a device walk in the door that seemed like such a chore to use, until the pre. WebOS would need a world of tweaks/changes before I would ever consider it a viable candidate to replace either a windows mobile or BlackBerry OS device for me.
WOW! Thats a first. I haven't heard some one speak so negatively of the Pre, especially in comparison to WinMo... It seemed pretty smooth and intuitive to me, but I only got to play with it at the store so that doesn't mean much. But man is it really that bad?