Originally Posted by bikeandestroyx
i dont know its been more than a few months for me, last time i used it was when silent joker released his previous rom.
Cant wait for 2.5 to come out! gonna be so nice! cant wait for conflipper lol
push internet looks amazing! im wondering if it uses opera 9.7 with turbo?
yeah battery is pretty much the biggest issue for ever gets battery life to be good..
Yea, I hear altering my radio can make a big difference in my battery regardless of my current ROM?
Im located just outside of Chicago, does anyone know which radio suits this area the best? Im on Sprint if that helps any, which it shouldn't because if I've read correctly you should be able to use ANY CDMA radio on ANY CDMA provider.
TF3D 2.5 is nice from what I've played with it. Loaded NRGs ROM for a friend on his Fuze, the push internet is very very nice. Wish there was a way to intergrate that into Titanium.