Originally Posted by Wizzard
GF, is there a tutorial to do the Task Bars in QVGA 6.5 somewhere?
Can we just take the VGA TBs and convert some way?
If you could just help us with your process to convert them, maybe some of us QVGAers could take over the job.
Thanks for your past work and hope you can teach us to do it!
Thanks again!
Essentially it is the same process as doing a 6.1 taskbar. The differences that you run into are in the 6.5 dll files. There are some subtle changes and differences. Some things like the CDMA and phcanoverbmp dlls are the same, but shellres.96.dll and tapres.dll are different. The other difference is going from the 32x32 icons to 16x16. You just can't rename the dlls from tapres.192.dll to tapres.96.dll, for example. While the taskbar icons will be fine at 32x32, there are other system icons that can mess up how your dialer looks, to your start menu and call history.