Re: Another whats the best ROM thread
youd prolly wanna go with a ssk rom or calk, until no2chem builds another rom or fixes his server thats prolly the best comparison u will get. they all made their own kitchens so u will most likly get the best results. also tobeys rom from way back in the day is pretty f ing sweet just needs a lil reg update for batt life. if u want a 6.1 rom u can try the ppc warez site for juicy 4.4 its an old one but a good one. fufu 3 looks like a good one too. it has like 99+mb storage space and its loaded. also has 217mb of program memory with standard manila unlike the rhodium crap floating around the dung heap with all of its bugs. do a google search for cdma roms for diamonds and u will find what u are looking for outside of this site.
all these roms!? theyre all the same but with different splash screens and cabs i can install myself!? updating sys twice a day!?no new remarkable breakthroughs!? SERENITY NOW!!!! SERENITY NOW!!!! SERENITY NOW!!!!