Originally Posted by ScandaLex
Is this run from the PC or Mogul?
I can confirm this is the process on the mogul and is also how i did it on the Apache.
FYI - for those of you who cannot access the DIAL codes (##codes) from your phone you can access the program via
Then when the "View, Edit, Exit" menu pops up you are in the program.
Important - If you want to improve your overall network performance you need to change your "Access Overload Code" found in your NAM settings. This is predetermined by the last digit of your MIN (Phone #) which is a practice started years ago. The higher the number the lower your network priority access meaning if it gets busy your the first to get dropped.
Make it a habit not to go lower than 2 as Emergency Services keeps 0 + 1 for them. Believe me you want cops and firemen to have priority network access when its needed!