Both 23008 and 23009 were released today. There is very little difference between the previous release (23007) and these two new builds. On top of that, 23009 was leaked by a different source than most of the previous builds. I built a ROM from it and found some serious problems, so I will not be releasing my 23009. Simply put, I am not confident that it's from a trusted source.
23008 was from our most respected distributor, though. I built a ROM from it, and it is on my phone right now. It looks, feels and reacts just the way many of the recent builds have. I honestly don't see anything new with it and memory usage is exactly the same.
But because I know how much everyone loves to flash, I am releasing a brand spanking new 23008A just for you:
If you'd rather stick with 23007B, that's totally fine. You are honestly not missing anything noticeable with this update.