Originally Posted by Snapper
Hi there -- just wondering how I might be able to get the taskbar battery meter back after having disabled the dci(?) colored bar. Really enjoying the rom, will enjoy it more once I can see how much battery life I have left!
Most likely, the way to retrieve your battery meter is to create a new shortcut in your StartUp menu.
Open File xplorer, and naviagte to your Program Files directory. You'll see the two executable files in there (dciBattery.exe and qwertyMemeory.exe). Use your stylus and make a long press on dciBattery.exe and select Copy from the menu. Navigate to Windows\StartUp and do another long press. Now select Edit -> Paste Shortcut. Now you can simply click the link you just created to launch it immediately. It will also start automatically on soft resets.
If you "disabled" it as you mentioned above, you may need to use whichever program you used to disable to re-enable. I've used SKTools before to enable/disable StartUp items.
Originally Posted by rickyrecaro
here is the alltel version i use it with every rom i have ever ran it works good imo
Attachment 37928
Thanks. I have a newer version for Alltel that works on my ROM in the directory already, but I'll keep that on hand as a backup in case mine ever gets funky.