Apologies up front if this thread is in the wrong place.
Hi all, I'm new to your forum and have been lurking a bit. I searched for battery info and came up with alot of not very relevant info, so thought I'd ask a question and make a comment.
I am new to cdma and have a pro. I had a gsm flavored pro for several months and find a whole set of power issues on this one I did not have before. It is a sprint device. I love it actually and it works well, but I'm currently using a 2000mAh extended and usually not making it thru a day with very moderate use.
I've tried every tweak within reason and it seems to not help. Some times the backside will get warm just sitting idle. The device comes out of standby/sleepmode randomly also.I use memmaid to check and kill or close apps , but I'm thinking that sprint keeps stuff going to much in the background, which task man cannot see. Other than this issue the sprint pro is awesome.
Does anyone have any suggestion. At the moment I'd prefer not to flash it. I'm addicted to flashing and trying to quit, one reason I jumped from gsm.(I'm serious) Anything else I can check? Any better task manager out there? Get a bigger battery.Lol. I hope to post a comment once in awhile and I've been enjoying your forum and your posts. I've been active on other forums.
Thanks for any suggestions.