Couple CF03 Usage Questions
Couple questions about the native WM 6.1 apps on CF03.
I can’t highlite an item in File Explorer without launching it. This should be a toggle/setting but can’t find it under Menu or anyplace else.
Opera seems to be the preferred browser for WM, but I find it cumbersome and difficult to do anything with. Making and saving a favorite website is one example. Others see this, or do I just have to work with it more? I use Firefox on my PCs so am not wedded to IE by any means.
I have seen references to WiFi G not being enabled in WM 6.1. Can anyone confirm/deny this? I can use my protected network at home, and connect to hotspots, and the speed appears to be pretty good, but I can’t find anything on the phone that lets me confirm the connect speed or protocol.