Originally Posted by Nagual
Actually the PRL stands for Preferred Roaming List, I believe. It will only affect where you connect IF you are roaming.
If you aren't, the tower/antenna coverage of your cell phone co. plus your phone radio itself (what we're experimenting with here) and your local environment/architecture/what have you is what determines how good your coverage is.
It is my understanding that the PRL tells your phone what towers to use in each area, roaming or not. Obviously, then, Sprint PRLs give Sprint towers priority over any other towers. And, if you load a Verizon PRL onto a Sprint phone, you will end up always roaming, as the Verizon PRL will tell the phone to use Verizon towers when it can.
Of course, as you can see, I'm new here. Anyone with more experience want to clear this up?