Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 --
Originally Posted by -Black-
ok quick question vets...
"8. How to make Opera my default web browser?
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\: DEFBROWSER
"0"=Opera Browser
...will this registry edit make opera show up under the favorites tab on the today screen instead of internet explorer? if not, how can i change that or be able to add tabs to my today screen?
for instance, the default tabs are pics, music, phone, voicemail, time/alarm, text, email, calender, & favorites...
how can i add different tabs for opera, calculater, etc?
do a search for Titanium Customization... What your looking for is the Showoco Opera cab. for titanium.. You will also need CHome editor to enable it and be able to Re-arrange the order any way ya want.... Ill try and find a link as I am unable to Load Files due to Server restrictions..
edit: look there for customizing titanium
(Hummingbird FTW)
Last edited by Dragon2; 07-21-2009 at 01:48 PM.