Originally Posted by land2634
Nope, not a Sprint employee. Have two members of family that have the device and a friend as well. None of us seem to have any problem going down that far on memory, so maybe you just got a bad device (also happens on PC's). Oh, I forgot, you would rather install any untested program and expect it to work PERFECTLY with your resources. To say that it isn't comparable to a regular PC OS being released is stupid. They are both based on your "precious resources" and MOST OF THE TIME, the newest OS uses MORE memory, especially with Microsoft. So, considering this is a newer OS from Microsoft, an intelligent person would expect something close to what has actually happened.
Look man! The PPC has a serious memory issue. We shouldn't even be debating this. It's known. It's a fact. It's been proven and tested. It might sound logical to say don't install 3rd party apps but this isn't even an app issue. This OS doesn't handle memory well. If all you do is make phone calls on your PPC and use the contacts/calender this issue might not bother you. However, the more advanced user would like to multi task the way it was meant to be. The way MS promised and advertised it to be.
I'm not mad at Sprint. I've used PPCPE since the first US version on T-Mobile aka XDA. There is an inherent problem whereby once OEMs add or customize WinCE it just doesnt act right with regards to memory.