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Old 07-20-2009, 09:01 PM
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Re: hopefully foolproof script to easily change titanium fonts

Originally Posted by raidzero View Post
for that matter post the rom.. lol

I am interested in making one with the focus being speed and stability, for business users, but don't know where to start. I can make my own oems and make cabs from oems but I just don't know how to use SYS files with my OEMs...
Working out the kinks, but should be user ready soon. Lwrdchvy was beta testing it for me, but he had to leave Trying to make it quick with common tools, and once I post it I am planning on relying heavily on user input to make it better

Still learning the sys files, but if I can do it I'm sure you could Just a matter of browsing through and finding out what everything does.

The cab doesn't have the files cuz the ROM has them already I will modify the cab and get it posted with the dependent files first thing tomorrow, gotta go now though.
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