I was busy the last day, I have a new version of ezinput 2.1, this features Compact Keyboard, and has everything enabled and everything else.
you will need newer oems to make this work, and I would recommend adding it on a newly installed rom, it should be good though, also has Touch Settings working fine and everything else.
Conflippers Ezinput
this has also been fully resized in landscape mode, and the keyboard has been adjusted to match everything up.
also I have used officail rhodium drivers to get the keyboard working on the TP, I had to remap a few keys, and add an advance feature.
1 to enter _ you need to do FN O
2 to enter + you need to do FN P
3 to enter ? you need to do FN M
4 to enter " you need to do FN J
5 to enter ' you need to do FN H
and now the Caps key is working just like the Key on TP2, Press once to Shift, and press Twice to caps.
I am very happy with this, its now 100%, but using orginal drivers, it adds stablilty to everything. so enjoy everything.
On Diamond everything is perfect, but TP those 5 keys are different on HW KB.