Originally Posted by m_reyna_16
guys i know this is probably not the best place to post this but im posting it here because im running this rom.....
i just bought a motorola s9 hd headset and for some odd reason i cannot connect it to my tp! ive tried soft reasetting and also turning on and off the bluetooth! any ideas or links that will help? ive tried searching too!
I have an S9 and S9 HD. I have had no issues pairing either with my TP on MR6, MR4, or stock. Hold power button on the headset down until the led lights up blue, and then starts flashing blue and red. once its flashing blue and red its in pairing mode. then just go into your bluetooth settings on the TP, search for devices, click on the S9 when it pops up, and hit connect. It will do everything automatically. Mine would not recognize the S9 without putting it into pairing mode, simply turning it on is not enough.