Originally Posted by boe
I haven't touched the alarm yet but it will not resolve the BT issue - tried -within a minute I got - "I can't understand a word you are saying" same BT headset I use with other phones - no issues.
Things I can tell you about the new firmware from Colonel -
It works great
It has a ton of new features and software.
It seems to take a bit longer to boot but that may well be my imagination.
It only prompted me for some options on the software - probably because as he states this is a rough build.
Things I hope he adds (and he probably is already working on - - said there will be more options to come)
SPB pocket plus
A full version of the vjcandela or an app in the 6800 forum called flashlight
Thanks a million boe. i am running on ImCoKeMaN version. it don't fix BT issue completely but better than sprint original version. alarm bug is still there and also having a wake up issue. when BT is connected and phone goes to sleep, it will not wake up. i'll have to softboot it. i guess i'll wait a bit more.