Originally Posted by hyattdriver
Can anyone tell me how to get my hotmail account settings, this is a booger, I think it might be because there is no windows live in the programs list....Anyone?
good work otherwise deck, thanks
Incoming Server (POP3 Server): pop3.live.com
Incoming Server POP Port: 995
Incoming Server POP SSL Encryption: Yes (On or Required)
Outgoing Server (SMTP Server): smtp.live.com
Outgoing Server SMTP Port: 25
Outgoing Server Authentication: Yes (On – Use POP username and password or Hotmail credentials)
Outgoing Server TLS or SSL Secure Encrypted Connection: Yes (On or Required)
User Name: Windows Live ID (e.g.
Password: password used to sign in to Hotmail or Windows Live service
Note: “Log on using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)” check box in Outlook, Outlook Express or Windows Live Mail should not be selected.