Originally Posted by jake044
is there and alternate program like buildos ive downloaded it and ran the updater, no luck..
sorry if this a repeat thread, ive searched and found nothin..
Sorry if I ruin eveyone's party, I know PPCKitchen and BuildOS has many fans, but it's a piece of garbage as far as I'm concerned. It's extremely bloated, wants to be connected at all times and insists on donwloading tons of stuff all the time.
I have tried it on XP and on Vista and have experienced the same problem as the OP has, among many others.
I agree with the original poster, we need a better alternative.
I'll be reading this thread more in detail, but when I was looking into it earlier this year, there was nothing to replace that piece of **** that pretends call itself software. In my 20 plus years of computing, I have never seen a buggier piece of bloatware than this.
Why we can't write software anymore in America just boggles my mind. Give the same challenge to a Russian and see a program ten times smaller that works ten times faster in a tenth of the time it takes our programmers to cobble together the same functionality out of second hand code.