Originally Posted by AL_CAPONE_187
ya i know its asurion and not sprint. thats why i dont get why people are blaming sprint. even though i was mad neither wanted to do anything.
Here's why I blame Sprint also. It is Sprint policy to allow Asurion to add the deductible to your Sprint account without notice or verification. It is then Sprint that will not remove the charge without Asurion okaying that removal. I have done checking with other carriers since this happened to me, including one's that also use Asurion. Even though they use Asurion for insurance, they do NOT allow Asurion to automatically place the deductible charge on the account without the insurance/account holder being notified first and verifying that they have placed a claim in on their phone. That makes Sprint just as responsible as Asurion for letting the claim go through without the insurance holder/phone owner being notified of a claim and verifying it with the insurance holder that it is a valid claim.
Both Asurion and Sprint can go pound sand as far as Im' concerned.