07-19-2009, 09:46 PM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com
Originally Posted by kevm14
I have to laugh. Consider the following hypothetical but very realistic scenario:
User dissatisfied with stock rom.
Flashes to new Super Awesome Booya rom.
Wow, the phone is responsive. Stock sucks!
User installs cabs and generally uses the device for a few weeks.
But wait - Super Awesome Booya rom was made even better with new version 2!
User flashes rom.
Wow, this is even FASTER than last time! Amazing!
And the cycle continues. But here's the thing - if these new roms were really waaaaaay faster than the last release, these phones would blow away anything on the market for performance and rival a desktop computer, if you read into some of the hyperbole posted. The answer is related to what I quoted - the user is comparing a freshly flashed rom to one that they've been running for weeks or more. All but the WORST of roms will feel faster than what you had. This is Windows, people. It would feel faster if you simply hard reset. I'm not saying roms don't improve - of course they do. But the extent to which they are reported to improve is exaggerated.
What the heck? That wasnt the question at all!
(Hummingbird FTW)