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Old 07-19-2009, 05:47 PM
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Re: Updated 5/2/09 Drellisdee WM6.5 PPC Kitchen

Originally Posted by drellisdee View Post
8029871c - 802996fa L00000fde filedata 723fb954-d931-4348-b672-82a188e587b5.dsm
802996fa - 802d8914 L0003f21a NUL
802d8914 - 802d8914 L00000000 End: highest physical address
802d8914 - 802d9000 L000006ec NUL
802d9000 - 802d9000 L00000000 Start: start of RAM
802d9000 - 802e0000 L00007000 NUL
802e0000 - 802e6000 L00006000 uninitialized data of region_1 nk.exe
802e6000 - 8036a000 L00084000 initialized data of region_2 nk.exe
8036a000 - 8036a000 L00000000 ------ start of RAM free space
8036a000 - 87900000 L07596000 NUL
87900000 - 87900000 L00000000 End: end of RAM

8029871c - 802996fa L00000fde filedata 723fb954-d931-4348-b672-82a188e587b5.dsm
802996fa - 80299fff L00000905 NUL
80299fff - 80299fff L00000000 End: highest physical address
80299fff - 802a0000 L00006001 NUL
802a0000 - 802a0000 L00000000 Start: start of RAM
802a0000 - 802a6000 L00006000 uninitialized data of region_1 nk.exe
802a6000 - 8032a000 L00084000 initialized data of region_2 nk.exe
8032a000 - 8032a000 L00000000 ------ start of RAM free space
8032a000 - 87900000 L075d6000 NUL
87900000 - 87900000 L00000000 End: end of RAM
This one booted fine. I should have changed start of ram to 8029A000 as I left a size 6000 nul in for testing.
Update: ULRAMSTART at 8029a000 is a non-booter. Must have trailing 0000 as 802a0000 works but not 8029a000
ok i got this one to boot as well , this from formerpalmos: Also, the least significant 16 bits must be zero (lower four hex digits) of the end of vm slot 0 and slot 1 in G'reloc.exe and in your ROMHDR.txt. The least significant 14 bits must be zero (the lower four digits can only be 0000, 4000, 8000 or C000) of the RAM address (ulRAMStart and ulRAMFree

memory went up to 105.38