Originally Posted by cmantis
I was on the previous Juicy rom and it started really lagging and text messaging was giving me lots of errors. Also my voice messages were coming through late. I just updated and not my text messaging doesnt work. Whenever I switch it from t9 to abc it goes right back to t9 and the messages dont seem to be sending. The only thing I can think of is that I use PIM to backup my numbers. any ideas, thanks so much in advance. I really need my phone to work.
I have this issue on this rom as well. One time I was able to get into Touch Input settings and uncheck it but it wont open for me at the moment. Possibly there is a registry key that would turn it off.
In my experience Importing a lot of text's/e-mails with PIM causes threaded TF3D messaging to lag pretty good. Clear out your messages before backing up
I've found this cab I got from here:
Direct CAB file download:
Just run the cab and Voila! No more XT9. Just tested it = working
Hope it works for ya.