Originally Posted by Young_breedent
Honestly the flash is more of a flash light then something to help take pics. These cameras only work in well lit areas anyway, in which case you wouldn't need a flash. Also you already named many of the feature that the TP2 has that the original TP doesn't: 3.6 inch screen, dual stereo speakers (which are great for watching movies, listening to music, and conference calling), conference calling (which with the dual speaker is loud and obvisouly you have more then one person on a conference call why state the obvious. Usally those other people or on the other end though and if there are more people in the same room as you it still works), 3.5 mm headphone jack, higher resolution screen, 1500 mah battery vs the 1340 mah of the touch pro, will have the official new version of touch flo 3d (and dont give me you have this on your touch pro, because there are SOOOO many problems with the port it isn't even funny, alot of the features don't work and how long have they been porting it over??? don't think they will ever get it fully working sorry  .) I love my touch pro but i'm not going to knock the new version it is obvious upgrade in so many areas. The only thing the touch pro has is the flash sorry but i barely used if for the camera as i stated earlier it was more of a flashlight, and i have one of those on my key chain. Now tell me what your TP can do that the TP2 can't???
edit: I am yet so hear a review of the TP2 getting as hot as the TP. So you can keep blowing on your TP while i play with my TP2 lol.
Originally Posted by darkjedi007
I know!!! I use that flash LED more than the camera itself!!
Even with all that being said, and you may be right, if all you used the LED flash for was a flashlight type application.... Now you won't have one! As far as the 3.5mm jack, carriers may be looking towards the future, as WinMo 7 may need it as a requirement. But, still with many new things to come, the hardware is still outdated. Yes, your TF3D2 is smoother, cause they have had a test subject to work out the kinks (TP). Ports are not without their kinks, but there are no direct (from TP2, released in U.S.) to work/port from. Imagine when there is. Hardware being outdated, I mean of course that there are new things on the horizon, bigger/faster processing power and let's not forget that WiMax would require new hardware too. We're all going to have to upgrade at some point anyway. Just my HO.