Windows 7 64 Bit CF03 Flashing How-to
Seeing as how I really don't mind if I brick my Omnia (I have 3 of em), I dec ided to flash using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit. Forst, when the upgrade app is first run, you will see a note after you accept the terms telling you Active sync is not installed. No worries.
In file explorer, go to the Verizon upgrade app and right click it. Choose "Properties". Then, select the "Compatibility" tab.
All you need to do is select compatibility mode and use the dropdown box to select "Windws Vista (Service Pack 2)".
Now when you run the application the flash will complete with no problems!!!!!!!!
Yours truly,
Rob Storm (GuineaPig)
***My name is Rob and I'm a Flashaholic.***