Re: Touch Pro 2!! --Telus, Sprint, T-Mobile etc.--
'ello again, mods!
I just feel like restating my previous request...
Please throw a TP2 forum up on the boards. There are many threads open now that concern the TP2, I've seen them in news, here, general etc. (but the sprint thread is HI-larious) If we had a TP2 Forum, we could all vent our stresses and prophetic moments in there.
plus, the Telus TP2 is coming out next week.
WOOOOoooooo..... (fade into the darkness as i drive away)
Anyways, thanks and good day.
*formerly joeball88*
If I managed to help you out, please hit the 'thanks' Button!
Last edited by banjoeball; 07-16-2009 at 11:02 PM.
Reason: oopsiedoodle