Originally Posted by TheRealHotshot
Well I take it you haven't been with sprint long eh? They only TWO phones ppl can think about off the top of there heads that sprint even tried to market/ad was the instinct and palm pre...most sprint phone release are under the rader so if sprint still trying to ride the pre a quite tp2 release would do it. Gotta look outside the box sometimes brother still not calling you out just putting facts to sprint and how they do things. Lately they been matching other carriers release dates just something else to think about bro 
Lol....you got me there. Only had Sprint since jan. Maybe that's how they keep the cost lower then everybody else. No adverts on the phones. But i also see all the complaints about how slow they are on releasing new phones. So september 7 may be the day on that account.
On a side note, I am kinda mad they released an update for my phone less then a year after I get it....if i get the tp2 how long till the tp3?