Originally Posted by dinanm3atl
So I would need to:
1. Install ActiveSync on Laptop(I use desktop normally)
2. Install USB2PC(Phone Ap? DL?)
3. Choose ICS
Sounds great!
I'm actually not 100% sure if you need Activesync. It's actually quite possible that the drivers that are installed works without Activesync. I only mentioned that as if you connect your phone in disk drive mode, ICS doesn't work. I had assumed you already had Activesync installed so that was the only other option, hahah. These custom ROMs make things so easy that it'd be pretty self explanatory once you get it going yourself.
USB2PC is located in Settings > Connections. I set it to "Ask me first about USB connection type when I connect the device to the PC" so it always pops up that multiple choice menu. Since I use all 3 modes constantly I don't want to switch between all of them, so this is the simplest choice for me. If you never use Disk Drive mode, you can disregard USB2PC and just start up ICS yourself anytime you connect to your computer and want to tether.
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