Originally Posted by TheRealHotshot
And I'm He-Man Master of the Universe  no seriously I'm He-Man  come on guy this is the InterWeb you know the rule "pics or it didn't happen" not saying your lying or I don't believe you its just everybody coming out the wood works with they know somebody that knows somebody that knows something about it ya know so PIC OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!!  * now back to your Regularly Scheduled Program * Viva la release date July 25th! (Dude not flaming you but its gonna be more ppl who gonna say what you said as tall tales)
Hey it is cool, I understand the way forums work. And I also understnad that everybody knows somebody on the inside. I didn't believe my dad when he told me either, but we were beta testers for some winmo software for my company, presenting a marketing oppurtunity of over 100,000 units for HTC, so they wanted to make sure we were happy. I understand that that probably does sound like tall tales but I am just relaying information. BUT i also think anybody who knows anything about advertising and releasing products would agree that July 25 or even August 10th is absolutely ridiculous. How in the heck are they going to build up any advertising momentum in less then a week? Or even less then a month? Not gonna happen.
edit: Also I wish i had voice recordings of the conversation but that isn't going to happen either. IF only I could get that cell phone number from dad then we could all call the guy at HTC and ask him.