Originally Posted by jmorton10
I don't use that lock as I much prefer PocketShield but I just tried it & it works fine for me.
I locked it with the stock app, let it go into standy & then woke it up. Clicking the screen did absolutely nothing until I unlocked it with the slide first.
Interesting. I must have changed a setting or something. When I wake my phone up if I click anywhere other than the slide then the screen lock application goes to the background and I can use anything on the device with the exception of the start menu.
Maybe I have something incorrectly selected? When I go into settings then device lock, the only thing that is checked is "Lock on Device Wakeup" Is there anything else that should be selected anywhere?
As an aside, there is one other issue I have been having. When I go into contacts and try to edit an existing contact and then I try to use the hard keyboard to input any info, the device freezes. The soft keyboard works perfectly in there. Anyone else been having this issue or have come across this?
Thanks a lot for the help guys.